Class of 57
Classmates then and future
Homer Johnstone, Jr
Brigadier General
Surfing during the Vietnam War "On a weekly visit to Vung Tao, I noticed an old lifeguard station with a surfboard in it...As an ex-surfer from Manhattan Beach, every time I would visit the site, I thought 'Wow, wouldn't it be a kick to actually go surfing here'....I finally told myself, 'to hell with it: I'm going to do it!'
Homer sang this song at the Class Dinner
Len Marrella
Phd, Founder of the Center for Leadership and Ethics, author of the award-winning, “In Search of Ethics, Conversations with Men and Women of Character”. Len contributed to the Library Honor Kiosk with his manuscript.
Dana G. Mead
Chairman and CEO of Tenneco (1994–1999)
Chairman emeritus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joesph R. Tedeschi
Joe's1966 combat tour with the 1st Air Cav headquartered in An Khe, Vietnam, was cut short by a violent airplane crash and his near-death. See his book "A Rock in the Sky"
Upon retiring from military and defense industry, he entered the deaconate program in his Catholic diocese and served for eighteen years. Joe gave the invocation during the Class dinner.